Leadership Observations For Christmas
Joseph had the whole Christmas thing goin’…even during the very first Advent season.
He and his pregnant (not by him) wife were traveling to see family.
They had very little space for luggage.
Traffic was terrible.
No reservations were available.
Family didn’t have room for them and Joseph couldn’t find accommodations that were up to his normal standards: the windows had no curtains, the mattress was substandard, there were bugs and other animals everywhere, the water pressure was lousy, and the electricity was off.
Add to that, Mary (his wife) was due any second.
There is an old adage that says something to the effect that the most difficult leadership to exercise is leading oneself. That being said, I wondered if Joseph might have some lessons to teach us by example. As I’ve thought about it, here’s some.
1. Don’t make quick, life-altering decisions based on things that you have no control over and do not understand.
2. Don’t be quick to judge or accuse others simply because they don’t appear to measure up to your standards.
3. Be committed to and responsible for your family, team or company, no matter how difficult the circumstances may seem.
4. Be patient…no one is perfect…not even you.
5. Be kind to others during your travels. They are on a journey, too.
6. Keep in mind…lack of preparation (regardless of the reason) on your part does not
constitute an emergency for the one from whom you’re asking help.
7. Wonderful things can happen, even when you’re knee-deep in the muck!
8. There is a God Who orchestrated and led the first Christmas Pageant. He knows you, knows where you live, knows your circumstances. Trust Him.
If you want to look at the story yourself, find a Bible and look up Matthew, chapter 1, verses 18-25 and Luke, chapter 2, verses 1-20.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. I hope it is made even more so because you know the One who made it all possible.